In doing so, it gives us all a bit of creative freedom with the RP, especially since not much is known about this period in time in the ASOIAF universe.

We are trying to stick to the lore as much as possible, but are diverging a bit to make the story our own. The world is yours and what you make of it. What will your story be and how you will interact with other characters? Will you will join them or oppose them or make your own way in the world. The Free Cities vie for who might be the next Valyria, the Dothraki rise in the Great Grass Sea, and a Dragonrider has proclaimed himself the new emperor of Valyria.

In Essos, the Doom has caused a power vaccum. The Stony Dornish have launched a crusade on the Rhoynar while the Reach has taken the opportunity to invade the Stormlands as well. The Ironborn King has invaded the Riverlands and gotten many Riverlords to join him on promises of liberation to overthrow the Storm King.

and the three heads of the dragon will conquer Westeros and unite the Seven Kingdoms into one, with Fire and Blood. In this divergence of the Century of Blood, Aenar the Exile has three Targaryen chlidren, the eldest being a girl named Rhaenara, but the dragon must have three heads. This is a story-based RP that takes place during the time period known as the Century of Blood, the time period directly following the Doom of Valyria.